The Legless, One-Armed Bodybuilder
a english material from Great Big Story
In many ways, Nick Santonastasso is like any other 20-year-old: he’s youthful, full of life, and loves to be fit and active. But spend even a little time with him and you’ll realize how extraordinary he is. Santonastasso was born with Hanhart Syndrome, a rare genetic condition that manifests itself with either unformed organs or limbs. Brimming with a drive and determination that inspires others, nothing has stopped him from chasing his dream of being a fitness model and bodybuilder.
syndrome | |
disorder | |
limbs | |
affect | |
suicidal | |
wrestle | |
ovation | |
competitive | |
cheer on | |
break into | |
six pack | |
revolve | |
motivate | |
amputate |
(upbeat music)
You can have a regular normal body guy with his shirt off
trying to inspire people,
or you can have me,
a guy with no legs and one arm.
(somber music)
My name’s Nick Santonastasso,
I have Hanhart Syndrome,
and Hanhart Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder
which either leaves the baby with undeveloped limbs
or undeveloped organs.
In my case, it was just my limbs that were,
you know, affected.
Middle school was like my rock bottom.
I was always asking, you know,
why was I born like this?
Had suicidal thoughts.
Wrestling started me on, you know, the answer to why.
I had to have standing ovations when I lost,
and I just didn’t understand
because I’m a very competitive person,
I’m like, you’re not supposed to cheer on
someone that loses.
After the matches, I’d have parents come up to me
and be like hey,
my kid never did a sport,
and he saw you today, and now he’s signed up
for all these sports, you know,
because he sees that if you’re doing it,
there’s no excuse for him not to.
It was like, that’s why I’m here,
and I wanted to break into the fitness industry,
because I was inspired by these fitness guys
that, you know, sit around with their six pack
next to their nice car,
but getting into it, it’s much more than that,
it’s how you can move people and show them
that, like, living a healthy lifestyle is not as hard
as you think it is,
especially if I can do it.
My life revolves around, you know,
eating and training and posting.
(camera flashes)
I look at being fit,
I look at motivating and inspiring as a duty.
I got a message from a UK mom,
she had twins and one of the twin’s legs had to be amputated,
she said that they watched the videos together
and he goes, like me, mom,
he’s like me, mom.
I didn’t have that as a kid,
I didn’t have someone to look up to.
That kid can you know, oh,
I don’t know how to do this,
let me look at Nick’s page.
That’s why I do this.
(upbeat music)